
Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion

Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games

A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions. Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP. CURRENTLY WE ARE ACCEPTING: PRE-RELEASE PURCHASES. CLICK ON THE PRE-ORDER BUTTON BELOW TO BUY!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wrapping up The Great War Kickstarter campaign
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 05:58:08 PM

As this Kickstarter campaign has now been fulfilled, we’re going to close down our BackerKit survey and stop monitoring comments on the Kickstarter campaign page. 

We’ll close the BackerKit survey on Friday 7 December, so if you haven’t yet completed your survey please do so now. We’ll also stop monitoring the comments section on this Kickstarter campaign on the same day. 

We’d love you to continue contributing to an online community, so please head over to the Boardgamegeek entries for this game to post further comments: The Great War Centenary and French Army

If you have any further questions about your pledge please contact Anita: [email protected].

Finally, thanks again for backing Richard Borg’s and PSC Games’s Kickstarter.

Shipping update!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 10:53:28 PM

Hello everybody,

I have a shipping update now straight from our distributors and wanted to let you all know.

US backers - you should have yours or it should be with you any day now as it has been shipped. 

Canadian backers -  You should be getting your games any day now as our Canadian fulfilment partner is sending the games and goodies out as we speak!

Australian backers - we have been told that everything will be shipped by Monday.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a message and I'll do my best to help you.



US Shipping being completed today!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 07:35:08 PM

Hello everybody.

Thank you so much for your patience but here's a quick update to let you know that US shipping is being completed TODAY which means your games will be with you shortly.

Thank you to everybody for co-operating with us and we really hope you enjoy your games!


Rulebooks & Scenarios!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 05:35:08 PM

Hi everybody,

I have uploaded all of the rulebooks onto our website and will be putting them on BGG shortly.

Here's the link for our website: The Great War Rules & Scenarios

If you have any issues with rulebooks or scenarios, please send me a message and I will try my best to sort it out for you.



French Tank expansion hits the UK!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 12:21:49 AM

Hi everybody, we are very pleased to let you know that the French Tank Expansions for the UK and Europe are in our warehouse and are being packaged and shipped out within the next 7 days with the rest of the world to follow the week after.

We really appreciate your patience on this and we've got a team of wonderful people working hard to get everything packaged and sent out ASAP! 

Will is happy to see the tanks!
Will is happy to see the tanks!
There's a lot of Tanks.....
There's a lot of Tanks.....
The main attraction.
The main attraction.
Packing boxes..
Packing boxes..

We try to keep you updated every step of the way and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for your support everybody and we can't wait to see pictures of the tanks when you get them!