Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion
Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games
A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions.
Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Stretch goal 13 clarification: French tank stat cards and tank tokens
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 09:33:15 PM
Just a very quick update to clarify the Kickstarter exclusive French tank stat cards and tank tokens… our communications were disrupted between HQ and the front line (someone shot our pigeon!).
The tank stat card and tokens will be sent to backers of all pledge levels, not just those to of you who add French tank packs as an optional buy. This will be a Kickstarter exclusive. The retail tank model pack will have a QR code or free download link for the stat card and tokens.
Our apologies that we didn’t make that clear from the start. The staff member to blame is being lined up to lead our next night-time trench raid.
Latest stretch goals revealed!
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 09:31:57 PM
Well, we just keep rolling on! Thank you for your support so far. And, by way of thanks, we’re revealing a few more stretch goals that we really, really hope we can unlock in the final 3 days of the campaign.
Here goes:
Stretch goal 14: GBP £80,000
Kickstarter exclusive: An extra set of 8 battle dice will be included with all pledge levels. Combined with the battle dice in the core game, this will give both players plenty of dice to roll! (KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE – ALL PLEDGE LEVELS)
Stretch goal 15: GBP £85,000
An additional officer (special personnel) pose will be included for the French Army. The number of officer miniatures included will not change, but there will be two poses rather than the currently planned single pose. (FRENCH ARMY)
Stretch goal 16: GBP £88,000
An additional officer (special personnel) pose will be included for the German Army. The number of officer miniatures included will not change, but there will be two poses rather than the currently planned single pose. (FRENCH ARMY)
Stretch goal 17: GBP £91,000
An additional officer (special personnel) pose will be included for the British Army. The number of officer miniatures included will not change, but there will be two poses rather than the currently planned single pose. (FRENCH ARMY)
Stretch goal 13 announced: A Kickstarter exclusive for the French tank pack
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 12:53:01 AM
Our latest stretch goal to be announced (GBP £75,000) is for all of you tankers out there!
If you pledge to buy our French tank pack through the Kickstarter, you’ll receive an exclusive summary card detailing the Schneider and Saint Chamond’s stats for easy reference. You’ll also receive tank silhouette tokens for both of these French tanks to track your tank’s strength as you play (rather than using the British or German tokens from the tank expansion), and a German ‘captured’ token that may be used with the Saint Chamond.
These will not be included in the tank pack’s retail release.
Introducing The Great War’s specialists
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 05:48:14 PM
We’ve previously mentioned that the French Army expansion introduces new special personnel figures. The French Army expansion contains the special personnel figures for all three armies: French, German, and British.
But what do they do in the game?
Special personnel figures may be added to units to modify that unit’s actions or abilities; the different special personnel types offer different actions or abilities to the unit they are attached to.
The use of special personnel figures is governed by the scenario you’re playing, and in addition to supplying special personnel numbers for the French Army’s scenarios, we’re including deployment sheets for scenarios in The Great War and Tank, too.
An old friend: the Bomber.
If you’ve previously played The Great War, you’ll already know of the Bomber special personnel figure (which boosts a unit’s ranged and close combat ability), but what about the others?
Here’s the roll call:
Elite: Allows a unit to move 2 hexes and battle.
Engineer: May remove wire and still battle, and may fortify/repair hexes.
Flame-thrower: Enemy unit may not ignore flags in close combat.
Forward observer: Allows reserve artillery an observation advantage; Spotter (mortar): Allows a unit to range in, gaining increased firepower against that target.
Light machine gun: Adds extra firepower to an infantry unit.
Loader (machine gun / mortar): Adds extra firepower to a machine gun or mortar unit.
Marksman: Allows the unit to roll an additional die in ranged combat.
Officer: Allows a unit to move 3 hexes when not battling, and allows a unit to gain ground and fight again.
Stretch goal 11 is unlocked!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 07:47:05 PM
Thanks once again to our wonderful backers, we've unlocked the next stretch goal:
Stretch goal 11: GBP £65,000 – UNLOCKED! French tank scenario pack 3: Two new scenarios including French tanks. (FRENCH ARMY)
This brings us up to six new scenarios including French tanks (two of which are Kickstarter exclusives). Let's now keep our eyes on stretch goal 12, set at GBP £70,000. Hopefully that will unlock very soon!