
Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion

Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games

A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions. Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP. CURRENTLY WE ARE ACCEPTING: PRE-RELEASE PURCHASES. CLICK ON THE PRE-ORDER BUTTON BELOW TO BUY!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

French riflemen sculpts
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:37:58 AM

Stretch goals 3 & 4 have been unlocked, so we can now reveal those new poses! Shown here are the digital sculpts for our first three riflemen ...  and we're not far off of hitting the next one!

What’s changed in The Great War Centenary edition?
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 01:25:55 AM

The first printing of The Great War has sold through, so we have decided to reprint the game with a few changes. They are mostly cosmetic, so we don’t want to call this a ‘second edition’.

The biggest change is to the miniatures: We’re now using a semi-hard plastic, and the figures arrive off the sprue and ready to play with – a lesson learned from our customers’ feedback on the first printing of the game. And none of the figures require any assembly – they’re ready to deploy and play with. The number of miniatures in the game, and types of unit, does not change.

Next up, the cards: As a stretch goal for this Kickstarter campaign, the command and combat cards will be upgraded from bridge to poker size, and the text will be enlarged on them for easier reading.

In the rulebook, Richard has made a couple of minor changes to clarify the end of turn phase, and Breakthrough Medal Objectives. Special Personnel figures now stand a chance of falling as a casualty when damage is taken, rather than only being removed with the unit’s last figure. Reserve artillery rules are clarified, and the Reserve Artillery Ranged Combat section now includes further examples.

Finally, a small number of command and tactics cards are clarified. The number and type of cards does not change.

Overall, the main difference you’ll notice is the plastic miniatures, but we’ve taken the opportunity to make a few small changes to make the game easier to play. The new plastic minis can be purchased with the French Army expansion in our Veteran pledge level, but the other amendments are available only by purchasing the Centenary edition of the core game.

First stretch goals unlocked
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 12:21:01 PM

Great news – the first four stretch goals have been unlocked within our first 24 hours:

Stretch goal 1: GBP £15,000 – UNLOCKED!

Command and combat cards in the reissued edition of The Great War will be upgraded from bridge to poker size, and the text will be enlarged on them. (THE GREAT WAR)

Stretch goal 2: GBP £20,000 – UNLOCKED!

Two new scenarios will be added to the French Army expansion. (THE FRENCH ARMY)

Stretch goal 3: GBP £25,000 – UNLOCKED!

An additional French rifleman pose will be added. (THE FRENCH ARMY)

Stretch goal 4: GBP £30,000 – UNLOCKED!

A third French rifleman pose will be added. (THE FRENCH ARMY)

Thanks very much, and let’s keep it going!

We’re funded!!!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 12:20:23 PM

Woo-hoo! We’ve managed to hit our target amount within a few hours of the Kickstarter campaign going live, so the project is definitely going to happen!

Thanks to everyone who has already pledged – it will be great if we can unlock all of the stretch goals, as we really want to make the components as great as possible. Eyes are on the German and British special personnel figures (stretch goals 6 & 7) – we’re really hoping we can make them.

Remember that the game will be available in English, French, and Spanish editions, so don’t let language be a barrier to you!