
Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion

Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games

A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions. Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP. CURRENTLY WE ARE ACCEPTING: PRE-RELEASE PURCHASES. CLICK ON THE PRE-ORDER BUTTON BELOW TO BUY!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update on the new scenarios
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 08:32:56 PM

Richard Borg has now submitted his finalized new scenarios to us. We’re now laying them out for production.

We have two additional ‘infantry’ scenarios to add to the French Army book (stretch goal 2 from the Kickstarter campaign).

We have eight new scenarios involving French tanks (stretch goals 9 to 12 from the Kickstarter campaign). Four of these are Kickstarter exclusives, and the other four will go into the French Army book.

Some of you have asked how many tanks will be needed for each scenario. We were expecting to use no more than two tanks of each type (Schneider or Saint Chamond) in any scenario. However, during playtesting Richard needed to change that for balance and historical accuracy but has also provided alternative deployments to retain our “no more than two tank boxes” announcement without compromising the scenarios' playability.

  • For 4 of the scenarios, you will need 1 Schneider and 1 Saint Chamond.
  • For 3 of the scenarios, you will need either 3 Schneiders or 1 Schneider and 1 Saint Chamond.
  • For 1 of the scenarios, you will need 2 Schneiders or 1 Schneider and 1 Saint Chamond.

Update on our pledge manager survey
about 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 04:48:15 PM

Everything is in place to send our Kickstarter survey to our backers, but we’ve decided to delay sending it out to you all until the start of January 2018.


Our PSC Games office, and the office of BackerKit (who are managing the survey), closes down for several days over the UK Christmas & New Year period. So rather than sending out our surveys and no-one being here to monitor your questions, we think it’s best to wait until we’re back at our desks and can answer you more promptly. We hope you’ll agree that this makes sense for everyone involved!

When you do receive your survey, it will confirm your pledge level and the amount you have paid so far via Kickstarter. Using the survey, you will be able to:

1. Choose your language edition for The Great War Centenary Edition/French Army Expansion/Tank Expansion.

2. Add and pay for any further optional-buys you wish to purchase (this is where you can choose more French tanks and the larger cards, for example).

3. Confirm your shipping address and pay for shipping.

Thanks very much for your patience, and if you’re celebrating the upcoming festive period in some way, we hope you have a lovely time.

Postscript: We thought you might like to know that production is making progress – the plastic figure files have been with our manufacturer for a couple of weeks so they’re under way!

Late pledges and pre-orders
over 7 years ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 09:36:02 AM

Although the Kickstarter campaign has now ended, we’ve set up a pledge manager store with BackerKit for those of you who have followed the project but didn’t pledge during the campaign.

Please remember that if you’ve already pledged, you shouldn’t use this option. Your pledge manager survey will be sent to you in around two weeks’ time. You will be able to select your language version, add optional buys, and confirm your shipping address and shipping cost using the pledge manager survey.

But if you’ve not yet backed us…

By clicking on the blue ‘Late Pledge’ button at the top right of our Kickstarter page, you’ll be taken to our BackerKit shop. As the Kickstarter campaign has now ended, you won’t be able to opt for any of our in-campaign pledge levels, but all of the products from the campaign are available at discounted prices from the MSRP. And by coming onboard as a late pledger, you’ll still receive all applicable KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign.

But if you want to take advantage of this … hurry! 

Our late pledge offer will be available for a limited amount of time, and the pledge manager store will then downgrade to taking pre-orders only. Pre-orders won’t receive the KS exclusives, but will benefit from a better-than-MSRP price.

Thank you for a successfully funded campaign!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 06:17:53 PM

Thanks to our 1,000+ backers, we are delighted to say that our Kickstarter project has been (very) successfully funded, achieving 760% of our funding goal! Thank you very much indeed for your support and for ‘spreading the word’ about Richard Borg’s great First World War board game.

And you managed to sneak in the second British officer pose (stretch goal 17) with just a few minutes remaining. Well done!

What happens now?

PSC Games’ next tasks are to:

  • Prepare our pledge manager survey to send out to you all in about two weeks’ time. Using the pledge manager, you’ll be able to confirm your address, add optional buys (such as the French tanks and the new command and combat card deck), and the actual shipping costs to your country will be shown.
  • Finalise the new scenarios we’ve added as stretch goals. It’s important to us that we playtest them thoroughly and ensure that they work well alongside our other scenarios before we send them into production. So there’s plenty of work for us here!
  • Design the new French tank models – our Schneider and Saint Chamond research has already started, but again, we’ll be ‘busy busy’ sorting this out.
  • Send everything for the game and our stretch goals to our manufacturer, to get production under way.

Our target date for shipping is June 2018. We’re going to keep you up to date with progress between now and then via Kickstarter updates (although I’m taking a day off tomorrow to visit my Mum, so no more updates from me until next week!).

We don’t want to overload you with constant updates, but we will ensure that you are sent our most important news between now and the shipping date.

Once again, thanks for getting behind our Kickstarter campaign and for helping to bring the French Army expansion and The Great War Centenary edition to fruition. Expect to receive our pledge manager survey around two weeks from now.

Stretch goal 16 unlocked! We need one last push to unlock the second British officer!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 09:51:50 AM

With just a couple of hours to go, the second pose for the German officer special personnel figure has been unlocked! Thank you.

Can we hit that next stretch goal, the second British officer, before the campaign ends at 3pm UK time? 

Let’s hope so – it would make a fantastic end to this Kickstarter campaign!