Richard Borg's new Commands & Colours game: Red Alert
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 05:41:42 PM
We hope you don't mind us sharing one update about Richard's next game to hit Kickstarter (and we do promise to keep it to a single update this time)...
PSC Games has just launched the Kickstarter for Richard Borg’s RED ALERT board game. Join our campaign here.
Richard Borg heads into Space in this exciting new Commands & Colours board game – including two complete fleets of plastic starships! RED ALERT allows two to six players to duke it out in Space using the opposing fleets of the Commonwealth Alliance and Rebel Confederation: battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, backed up by long-range fighters and the Fleet Commander’s all-important flagship.
Photo comparison of old card size vs new card size
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 12:24:25 AM
A few backers have asked for a photo comparison of the old cards vs the new ones. I'd been holding off until we had the final production copies in our hands, so now that we do … here you go (and thanks to the backers who've prompted me for this photo).
Latest news on finalising the games
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 12:19:29 AM
We've been at the UK Games Expo for the last few days, where we met up with our manufacturer to discuss the issue of accurately packing your minis and getting the game shipped from the factory.
As explained in our last update, their in-house quality control checks established that the factory had problems getting the correct number of infantry minis packed into each box. We've agreed with them that they must now pack 'at least' 12 of each of the infantry minis into each box - if you get a couple of extra minis that's great, but we don't want anyone getting too few minis. The upshot of this is that they've been moulding extra minis to ensure we've got everyone covered (without the extra moulding, if one person got 14 minis instead of 12, someone else would only get 10...).
We're also getting them to carry out more quality control checks before shipping the games, to be as sure as we can that everyone is getting the right minis. We're expecting to get the green light for shipping in 7-14 days.
We're frustrated by and apologise for this delay in getting the games to you all, but it's important that we get this right and that you get (at least) the correct number of minis in your copy of the games. We'll update again when this is sorted.
A brighter piece of news is that we received two production samples of the games just before we headed to Games Expo - photos below. Backers who popped by our stand had a rummage through the boxes, but for those of you who couldn't make it, here you go...
Manufacturing update & some videos for you!
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, May 17, 2018 at 06:58:17 PM
We expected our manufacturer to contact us yesterday to say that the games were leaving their factory, but they’ve asked to hold back for a couple of days to properly check the quantity of miniatures put into each game.
Apparently, where there should be 12 of each normal infantry miniature, some packs actually got 13 miniatures. Now, we know that you would not mind having a extra miniature or two, but we need enough to go around everyone (and on the other hand, if you were one of the unlucky people getting too few miniatures, that wouldn’t feel good)!
We’re told this shouldn’t create too much of a delay, and we’ll update you when they tell us they’ve completed their checks.
We are sorry for this slight delay, but we need to be sure that the games are leaving the factory correctly packed.
The manufacturer has sent us two videos showing the contents of the boxes – so we thought we’d share those with you. Please see below.
Not long to wait now!
French Tank stats
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, May 16, 2018 at 12:22:03 AM
Hi everyone, as we're waiting for the last of the glue to dry on the punchboards ahead of shipping (literally - apparently this drying process takes several days to set correctly), we've uploaded a printable file of the French Tank stats, available for download HERE, while we all wait for news of the pallets dispatching.