Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion
Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games
A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions.
Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Lincoln by Martin Wallace – funded in under 4 hours and first stretch goals unlocked!
almost 7 years ago
– Fri, May 11, 2018 at 10:38:46 AM
Stretch goal 1: GBP £12,000 - UNLOCKED
As a Kickstarter Exclusive, we'll give you stickers to place on the European Influence and Blockade wooden counters.
Stretch goal 2: GBP £15,000 - UNLOCKED
We'll upgrade the card decks to a higher quality linen finish.
Stretch goal 3: GBP £20,000 - UNLOCKED
We'll upgrade the thickness of the card counters – we love the feel of slightly chunkier counters as we remove enemy armies from the board!
Stretch goal 4: GBP £25,000 - UNLOCKED
As a Kickstarter Exclusive, we'll give you 22 wooden Victory Point counters.
Due to ship September 2018
PSC Games: Martin Wallace’s Lincoln now live on Kickstarter
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, May 09, 2018 at 05:09:40 PM
Hi everyone,
We hope you don't mind us sharing some news with you about our latest Kickstarter campaign:
PSC Games has just launched the Kickstarter for Martin Wallace’s Lincoln board game. Join our campaign here.
Lincoln is a fast-paced, card-driven strategy wargame for two players, set in the American Civil War – allowing you to refight the entire war at a strategic level in under two hours.
Gameplay uses area movement and area control, with decks of cards providing your command choices and luck.
The Union and Confederate players each have their own card decks, reflecting the historical strengths and weaknesses of both sides. The underlying game mechanism is one of ‘deck destruction’ – the opposite of deck building.
The Union player has to play a very good game to win – a few mistakes will cost you the war! The Confederate player has to make the best of a strong starting position – your resources will dwindle as the war progresses!
Update on manufacturing
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, May 08, 2018 at 02:09:31 AM
Just a quick note to share with you some good news: We're told that manufacturing is due to complete on 16 May. Once that happens, the pallets containing your games will be freighted over to us and we'll begin shipping to you when they arrive at our warehouse.
We'll post again when the games leave the manufacturer's factory!
Further manufacturing progress
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 05:40:14 PM
Manufacturing is almost complete! Here's a photo of production copies of the two rulebooks in our three different languages. The manufacturer is currently assembling the minis into their correct bags, so we're getting closer to shipping.
Shipping is still planned for June - more updates when we have further news to share.
Photo from our manufacturer
We’re about to finalize shipping addresses
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 08:55:57 PM
Things are moving forward! If you need to update your shipping address, now is the time to do so via BackerKit.
We’re going to be organizing our list of shipping addresses in the very near future, which will mean that you can no longer change your address. If you’ve moved since completing the BackerKit survey, or are going to be moving between now and June, please update your address now.
Finally, a handful of backers have not yet filled out their BackerKit surveys – we need you to do this so that we can send you your order!!! I’ll be contacting you all personally in the next day or two to let you know that we need your shipping details.