
Richard Borg's The Great War: French Army expansion

Created by Will Townshend, PSC Games

A French Army expansion for Richard Borg's The Great War game PLUS the reissued core game, in English, French and Spanish editions. Our BackerKit shop is open for pre-orders! There are two types of pre-order: late pledges (for a limited time only - now ended) and (currently) pre-release purchases. Late pledges will get all of the KS exclusives and stretch goals from the campaign; pre-release purchases will not receive these but will still benefit from a discount to the MSRP. CURRENTLY WE ARE ACCEPTING: PRE-RELEASE PURCHASES. CLICK ON THE PRE-ORDER BUTTON BELOW TO BUY!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update on shipping prices
over 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 08:21:15 PM

Part of our goal to ‘get things right’ is to offer cost effective but reliable shipping to our backers. We want your games to 1) arrive with you safely, and 2) arrive in one piece, so we need to hunt around to find the best options. We also don’t want the cost of shipping to backers in some countries to subsidize shipping costs to other countries – so we’ll charge according to where you live.

Shipping will be charged via our pledge manager when the Kickstarter campaign ends, and depends on the weight of your pledge. The prices shown below are our latest estimates (which may change) and we are pleased to say we have managed to make some significant savings in some areas - notably, Australia, the US, and for orders over 2kg in the UK.

We’ve also had backers asking whether adding optional buys of the new cards and French tanks will push Le Poilu, Veteran, and Early Bird Veteran pledges over the 2kg mark (therefore costing more to ship):

  • For most people the answer will be NO – for example, if you add two tank packs and one card deck to these pledges, the weight will remain under 2kg. (If you’re interested, one tank pack will weigh around 85g and one card deck around 150g.)
  • But if you were going to add another boxed game (such as Hold the Line or Victory or Death), YES that would push you over the 2kg mark into the higher shipping costs.

So, the updated and improved shipping estimates are as follows:

Shipping for Le Poilu, Veteran, and Early Bird Veteran pledges ONLY (shipping weight under 2kg)

  • Zone 1 UK Mainland GBP £4
  • Zone 2 Other UK destinations GBP £10 to £20
  • Zone 3 EU & Ireland GBP £5 (Germany) to £17 (Greece)
  • Zone 4 US GBP £13
  • Zone 5 Other destinations GBP £16 (Australia) to £27

Shipping for all other pledges (shipping weight between 2kg and 5kg)

  • Zone 1 UK Mainland GBP £5
  • Zone 2 Other UK destinations GBP £10 to £20
  • Zone 3 EU & Ireland GBP £6 (Germany) to £22 (Greece)
  • Zone 4 US GBP £34 to £41
  • Zone 5 Other destinations GBP £21 (Australia) to £44

New stretch goals added … and a little bit of news about FT-17s
over 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 08:20:01 PM

Thanks to your on-going support for this campaign, we’re able to add some further stretch goals. As we’re now going to produce the tanks so many of you asked for, we want to support them properly with scenarios. So the next two stretch goals to unlock are more tank-based scenarios. 

The scenarios need thorough playtesting before we publish them, but we’re planning that no scenario should need more than two Schneider or two Saint Chamond tanks. Some scenarios may have just one tank, others one of each type, and so on – but we’re not expecting any scenario to require more than two of either model. 

We know there’s been plenty of discussion about our favourite French tank of the First World War: the FT-17. So here’s a bit of insider info for you all … we’ve long been planning to include the FT-17 in our future American Army expansion. So the FT-17s will be coming in a future Kickstarter campaign!

Lots of news and new stretch goals revealed!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 12:27:44 AM

This is a big update, so here’s the ‘executive summary’:

  • We are offering French tanks as an optional buy.
  • We are offering the new, larger sized card decks as an optional buy.
  • We will be adding French tank scenarios and decals as stretch goals.
  • We are offering the chance to name a tank (or the decals at least)!

Please read on for more details!


So it turns out that many of you are tankers at heart! We’re delighted to say that we’re now offering packs of French tanks as an optional buy.

In each pack will be 1 Schneider and 1 Saint Chamond tank. These will be pre-assembled and pre-painted 1:100 scale models, just like our British and German tanks. However, we’re going to use a more flexible plastic for the gun barrels to make these models more rugged.

If you want to order one or more packs of the French tanks, increase the value of your pledge by GBP £16.50 (per pack), and you’ll then be able to add the tank packs using the pledge manager survey sent out at the end of our campaign.

We also thought it would be fun to add a stretch goal unlocking a 1:100 waterslide decal sheet for our tanks. This was unlocked as we sat writing this update (thank you!), so a sheet of decals will be sent to all of our backers whether they purchase the new French tanks or not (you might wish to use them on British or German tanks, for example). This is a Kickstarter exclusive.

What’s more, we’ve introduced a new pledge level to ‘Name a Tank’. Limited to 30 backers, if you pledge at this level you’ll be able to choose one of the names we use on our waterslide decal sheet. This could be the name of a loved one, a favourite pet, your home town, or you could go crazy and use the name of an actual First World War tank! We’re hoping that there will a mix of French, British, and German names, and have already chosen the first two ourselves: ‘Fray Bentos’ and ‘Anita’. The other 30 names are up for grabs! (We reserve final judgement on the names we’ll use, so please be reasonable with your suggestion!)

If you’ve already pledged but would like to snap up the ‘Name a Tank’ pledge level, you can change your reward selection and adjust your pledge level to ‘Name a Tank’.


We’ve been listening to your feedback about the command and combat cards too, and know that some of you are interested in upgrading to the new, larger sized ones.

So in the past few days we’ve been working out how to offer the new, upsized command and combat cards to backers who don’t want to invest in the reprinted core game but would like the cards. And now … we’re offering the new cards as an optional buy. This is a Kickstarter exclusive.

If you want to order a deck of the new cards as a stand-alone upgrade, increase the value of your pledge by GBP £6.99 (per full deck of command and combat cards), and you’ll then be able to add the cards using the pledge manager survey sent out at the end of our campaign. You’ll also be able to choose English, French, or Spanish language cards decks.

We also want to re-emphasize that you don’t need the larger cards to continue playing The Great War – if you own the original printing your cards are still good to play with. Our new printing of the game does not make the first printing redundant. But we also hear what some of you are saying about older eyes and larger text. We know all about that ourselves! 

As we’ve mentioned previously, the new printing of the rulebook will be released as a free download once the game has published. We won’t be offering that for sale as an optional buy.


As we’re offering French tanks as an optional buy, we know you’ll need some scenarios to use them in. As a result, we’re introducing several new stretch goals – some of which are Kickstarter exclusives – to add more scenarios to the French Army expansion.


Here are the new stretch goals:

  • Stretch goal 8: GBP £50,000 – UNLOCKED! 1:100 waterslide decals for tanks. (ALL PLEDGE LEVELS – KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE)
  • Stretch goal 9: GBP £55,000. French tank scenario pack 1: Two new scenarios including French tanks. (FRENCH ARMY)
  • Stretch goal 10: GBP £60,000. French tank scenario pack 2: Two new scenarios including French tanks. (FRENCH ARMY – KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE)
  • Stretch goal 11: GBP £65,000. ???

Remember that the cards and tanks are not stretch goals – they’re optional buys you can add to your pledge amount right now. Adding optional buys may increase the final cost of shipping; this will be calculated by our pledge manager after the campaign ends.

German and British special personnel unlocked!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 12:12:50 PM

Many thanks to all of our backers – we’ve now unlocked both special personnel stretch goals so these miniatures will now be included in the French Army expansion. 

Here’s a little taster of the digital sculpts…



We've added some FAQs
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 08:54:02 PM

Some questions have come up several times now, so we've started an FAQ list, linked from the main page.

We'll add more FAQs as and when we come up with answers for those outstanding questions. We are pondering them all but sometimes need to get our ducks in a row before we can respond!